Prevent Ransomware Blog

Why 75% of Businesses Are Hit by Ransomware More Than Once

Written by Tony Chiappetta | Oct 14, 2024 9:00:00 AM

The digital landscape continues to evolve, and with it, the threats businesses face become more sophisticated and persistent. According to a recent report from, a staggering 75% of organizations hit by ransomware have fallen victim more than once. This statistic raises an urgent question: Why are so many businesses unable to defend themselves against repeated ransomware attacks?

The answer lies in the dominant cybersecurity strategy known as "Detect and Respond." Many businesses have relied on this reactive approach, which focuses on identifying threats after they have breached a system and then working to mitigate the damage. While this method may have once been adequate, it has proven insufficient in the current cybersecurity climate, where ransomware attacks are increasingly aggressive and fast-acting.

The Flaws of "Detect and Respond"

Ransomware attackers have grown more adept at slipping through detection systems. Even the most advanced detection tools can miss threats, and once ransomware has infiltrated a system, the damage is often swift and irreparable. The costs of such attacks extend beyond financial loss to data compromise, operational shutdowns, and damaged reputations.

The article highlights that businesses are not just getting hit once—they’re being hit multiple times. This shows that the "Detect and Respond" method is no longer enough to keep pace with the sophistication of modern attacks. The cycle of detection, response, and recovery needs to be broken.

A Shift Toward "Isolation and Containment"

It’s time for a fundamental shift in cybersecurity strategies, moving away from merely detecting and responding to attacks toward "Isolation and Containment." Instead of waiting for a breach to happen, businesses must isolate threats before they can cause harm. This proactive approach is essential to stopping ransomware in its tracks.

This is where AppGuard comes in. AppGuard’s patented technology works by preventing malware from executing its malicious payload, even if it manages to infiltrate a system. It does this without relying on traditional detection methods, making it a highly effective solution in the fight against ransomware.

Why Businesses Need AppGuard

AppGuard is built on the principle of prevention over detection. With over a decade of proven success, it has been able to protect organizations from a wide array of cyber threats without relying on signature-based detection tools. Its "Isolation and Containment" model ensures that even if ransomware makes it past your defenses, it will be isolated and unable to execute its harmful activities.

Here are some key benefits of AppGuard:

  • No updates needed: AppGuard does not rely on virus definitions or system updates to stay effective.
  • Works silently in the background: Unlike other solutions that may slow down your system, AppGuard runs quietly without disrupting your business operations.
  • Protection even against unknown threats: AppGuard’s technology prevents both known and unknown threats, keeping your business safe from the evolving landscape of ransomware attacks.

As points out, the fact that so many businesses are hit more than once by ransomware underscores the critical need for a better approach. The old ways of responding to cyberattacks no longer work, and businesses must adapt by adopting solutions that stop attacks before they can cause damage.

A Call to Action

Don’t wait until your business becomes another statistic in the growing list of ransomware victims. At CHIPS, we are here to help you safeguard your business from future ransomware attacks with AppGuard. Its "Isolation and Containment" strategy can ensure that even the most sophisticated ransomware is stopped before it can wreak havoc on your systems.

Move from the outdated "Detect and Respond" approach to a proactive prevention model. Talk to us at CHIPS today to learn how AppGuard can prevent ransomware from ever gaining a foothold in your organization.

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