Prevent undetectable malware and 0-day exploits with AppGuard!

A staggering 44% of U.S. companies were affected by ransomware in the last year, according to a recent report covered by Security Magazine. This alarming statistic reflects the rising tide of cyberattacks that continue to cripple businesses of all sizes.

The article emphasizes that despite companies' efforts to bolster their defenses, many still rely on outdated strategies, leaving them vulnerable to the sophisticated tactics of cybercriminals.

The Flaws of "Detect and Respond"

The "Detect and Respond" approach has been the go-to cybersecurity strategy for years. It revolves around identifying threats as they emerge and responding to neutralize them. However, this reactive model is often too slow when dealing with modern ransomware attacks, which can encrypt files and disrupt operations in a matter of minutes.

According to Security Magazine, ransomware has evolved. Cybercriminals are now using more advanced methods to evade detection, including fileless malware and exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities. Even with top-notch detection tools in place, businesses still fall prey to these attacks because detection comes too late. By the time the threat is identified, the damage is already done.

A New Approach: Isolation and Containment

In the face of these challenges, companies need to move away from the traditional "Detect and Respond" model and adopt a proactive cybersecurity approach: "Isolation and Containment." This strategy prevents malware from gaining a foothold in the first place by isolating applications and containing threats before they can execute their malicious code. It’s about stopping ransomware at the source—before it has a chance to spread.

This is where AppGuard comes in. AppGuard is a proven endpoint protection solution with a 10-year track record of success. Rather than relying on detection to stop threats, AppGuard prevents malware from executing at all by isolating applications and processes. This method is effective even against fileless malware and zero-day attacks, making it a game-changer for businesses that need robust, proactive protection.

Why Businesses Need AppGuard Now

The report in Security Magazine highlights a critical need for businesses to rethink their cybersecurity strategies. With nearly half of U.S. companies affected by ransomware, it's clear that the old methods are no longer sufficient. Organizations cannot afford to wait until after an attack to respond—they need to prevent it from happening in the first place.

AppGuard provides exactly that level of protection. Its isolation and containment approach stops ransomware and other advanced threats at the point of entry, without requiring constant updates or complex configurations. This not only reduces the burden on IT teams but also significantly lowers the risk of a breach.

The Cost of Inaction

The financial and operational impacts of a ransomware attack can be devastating. Security Magazine reports that businesses face not only the immediate costs of downtime and data recovery but also the long-term damage to their reputation. Customers lose trust, business relationships are strained, and the legal ramifications can be severe.

Businesses that continue relying on outdated "Detect and Respond" models are taking a gamble with their future. A single ransomware attack can be enough to disrupt operations permanently or force a company to pay millions in ransom to retrieve their data. And even after paying, there's no guarantee that all data will be restored.


Ransomware isn’t going away. As long as businesses continue using outdated cybersecurity strategies, the threat will continue to grow. It’s time to embrace a solution that works.

AppGuard offers the protection companies need today. Its "Isolation and Containment" model stops ransomware and other malware in its tracks, offering proactive defense without the need for constant updates or intervention.

Call to Action: Don’t wait until your business becomes the next statistic. Talk to us at CHIPS today about how AppGuard can prevent ransomware attacks and protect your business. It’s time to move from "Detect and Respond" to "Isolation and Containment" and ensure your company is prepared for the threats of tomorrow.

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