Prevent Ransomware Blog

Protecting Your Business from the Lurking Threat of LobShot Malware

Written by Tony Chiappetta | May 4, 2023 9:00:00 AM

The rise of cyberattacks targeting businesses has prompted organizations to invest in cybersecurity measures to safeguard their data and systems. Unfortunately, even with robust security protocols in place, sophisticated malware can still breach these defenses. A recent example of this is the LobShot malware that is giving hackers hidden VNC access to Windows devices.

According to a report by Bleeping Computer, LobShot is a remote access trojan (RAT) that exploits vulnerable Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS) installations. Once it gains access, the malware creates a hidden virtual network computing (VNC) session that allows hackers to take over the device and carry out malicious activities undetected.

The consequences of a LobShot attack can be devastating for businesses. Hackers can steal sensitive data, compromise networks, and cause significant financial losses. The malware is also difficult to detect since it operates in the background and does not leave any visible signs of its presence.

To prevent LobShot and other advanced malware attacks, businesses need a robust security solution that can detect and block malicious activity in real-time. AppGuard is an innovative security solution that uses patented technology to prevent all forms of malware, including zero-day threats, without relying on signatures or behavioral analysis.

AppGuard works by creating a protective shield around all applications on a device. This shield isolates each application, preventing malware from executing or spreading to other parts of the system. Even if LobShot or another malware manages to breach the system, AppGuard will block it from doing any damage, providing an extra layer of protection against sophisticated cyberattacks.

As a business owner, it's essential to take proactive steps to protect your organization from cyber threats like LobShot. Talk to us today to learn more about how AppGuard can prevent this type of incident and keep your business safe from advanced malware attacks.

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