Prevent undetectable malware and 0-day exploits with AppGuard!

A recent report by Dark Reading highlights a sophisticated cyberattack campaign carried out by North Korea’s Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group known as "Citrine Sleet."

The group exploited novel vulnerabilities in the Chromium browser and Windows operating systems to launch zero-day attacks aimed at stealing cryptocurrency. This incident underscores the increasing risks businesses face from APTs and the need to rethink how we approach cybersecurity.

The Danger of Zero-Day Attacks

Zero-day vulnerabilities are dangerous because they exploit unknown or unpatched software flaws, leaving businesses exposed to cybercriminals until a patch is developed. In this instance, Citrine Sleet leveraged a previously unknown bug in the Chromium engine, the basis for popular browsers like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, and combined it with a Windows exploit to breach systems and siphon off valuable cryptocurrency assets. Once a system is compromised, cybercriminals can steal sensitive information, disrupt business operations, or hold systems hostage in ransomware attacks.

The Reality for Businesses

This attack serves as a harsh reminder that organizations—regardless of size—are vulnerable to zero-day exploits. The ramifications of an attack like this can be devastating: from financial losses, legal consequences, reputational damage, to operational downtime.

While many organizations rely on traditional “Detect and Respond” strategies, this method only addresses threats once they’ve infiltrated the network. In the case of zero-day exploits, detection often comes too late, after significant damage has already been done. This raises an urgent question for businesses: Is it enough to merely detect and respond to threats after they occur?

The Shift to 'Isolation and Containment'

The growing sophistication of attacks like the one perpetrated by Citrine Sleet points to the need for a more proactive approach to endpoint security. Relying solely on “Detect and Respond” methods is no longer sufficient. Instead, businesses must adopt “Isolation and Containment” strategies that stop malware from executing in the first place.

This is where AppGuard comes into play. With a 10-year proven track record, AppGuard offers a commercial endpoint protection solution that excels in preventing attacks before they can cause harm. AppGuard works by isolating and containing applications so that even if malware is introduced to the system, it is unable to execute, spread, or compromise sensitive data.

Why AppGuard?

AppGuard doesn't rely on signature-based detection like traditional antivirus software, which can leave systems vulnerable to zero-day exploits and advanced persistent threats. Instead, it enforces strong security policies that keep both known and unknown threats from breaching the system. This includes stopping malicious scripts, preventing unauthorized changes to system settings, and blocking unauthorized software executions.

Businesses adopting AppGuard can mitigate risks like those posed by Citrine Sleet because AppGuard prevents the very kind of vulnerability exploitation that these advanced attackers rely on. It ensures that even if a zero-day attack is unleashed, the malware remains contained and isolated, rendering it powerless to do harm.


As the threat landscape evolves, so must our defenses. The Citrine Sleet attack is a clear indication that APT groups are becoming more aggressive and innovative, exploiting every possible weakness in business systems. Businesses can no longer afford to rely solely on detection and response; they must adopt a prevention-first strategy.

Don’t wait for the next zero-day attack to catch you off-guard. Talk to us at CHIPS about how AppGuard’s “Isolation and Containment” approach can prevent incidents like this from impacting your business. With its 10-year track record, AppGuard is the proven solution to safeguard your endpoints and keep your operations running smoothly.

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