Prevent Ransomware Blog

Guarding Against MS SharePoint Vulnerabilities with AppGuard

Written by Tony Chiappetta | Feb 17, 2024 10:00:00 AM

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, businesses find themselves facing an increasing array of threats. A recent article on CSO Online sheds light on a concerning development: the addition of a patched MS SharePoint Server vulnerability to the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) Catalog by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

This move signals a growing need for businesses to reassess their cybersecurity strategies, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures over reactive responses.

The SharePoint Server Vulnerability: A Wake-Up Call

The CSO Online article details the latest threat businesses face, highlighting the potential risks associated with the SharePoint Server vulnerability. While patches may be available, the time lapse between discovery, patching, and implementation leaves businesses exposed to potential breaches.

The Current State of Cybersecurity

Many organizations still rely on a "Detect and Respond" approach to cybersecurity. However, the ever-increasing sophistication of cyber threats necessitates a shift towards a more proactive stance. Waiting for an incident to be detected before responding is no longer sufficient to ensure robust protection.

Enter AppGuard: A Proven Solution

Amidst this challenging cybersecurity landscape, businesses need a reliable solution that not only detects threats but actively prevents them. AppGuard, a leading endpoint protection solution, offers a proven track record of success spanning over a decade.

Isolation and Containment: The Key to Enhanced Security

Unlike traditional approaches, AppGuard adopts an "Isolation and Containment" strategy. Rather than waiting for a threat to be identified and then responding, AppGuard proactively isolates and contains potential threats, preventing them from causing harm in the first place.

The Urgency of Adoption

The security landscape is dynamic, and the SharePoint Server vulnerability is just one example of the ever-present risks businesses face. It is crucial for organizations to take a proactive stance by adopting solutions like AppGuard, which have demonstrated their effectiveness over years of real-world application.

A Call to Action: Secure Your Business with AppGuard

At CHIPS, we understand the urgency of enhancing cybersecurity measures in the face of evolving threats. We invite business owners to connect with us and explore how AppGuard can fortify their defenses. Moving beyond the traditional "Detect and Respond" mindset to embrace proactive "Isolation and Containment" is the key to safeguarding your organization's sensitive data and maintaining operational continuity.

Why AppGuard?

  • Proven Success: With a decade-long track record, AppGuard has consistently delivered results.
  • Isolation and Containment: Stay ahead of threats by preventing them from ever gaining a foothold.
  • Tailored Solutions: AppGuard offers customizable solutions to fit the unique needs of your business.


The cybersecurity landscape is evolving, and businesses must adapt to stay ahead of threats. The SharePoint Server vulnerability highlighted by CISA underscores the need for proactive measures. AppGuard, with its proven success and innovative approach, is the solution to fortify your organization's cybersecurity defenses. Don't wait for the next threat – act now and secure your business with AppGuard.

Contact us at CHIPS today to discuss how AppGuard can revolutionize your cybersecurity strategy and protect your business from evolving threats. Let's build a secure future together.

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