Prevent Ransomware Blog

AppGuard's Approach: Securing Endpoints with Zero Trust Principles

Written by Tony Chiappetta | May 30, 2024 9:00:00 AM

In recent developments, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have been compelled to take action due to significant backlogs at the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). This backlog is causing delays in the publication of critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities, which can leave businesses exposed to potential threats for longer periods than acceptable.


The NVD is a vital resource for cybersecurity professionals, providing timely information on software vulnerabilities. However, with the current backlog, the speed at which vulnerabilities are identified, cataloged, and addressed has been severely compromised. This situation creates a dangerous gap between the discovery of a vulnerability and the deployment of measures to mitigate associated risks. As a result, businesses relying solely on traditional "Detect and Respond" strategies are finding themselves at a disadvantage.

The Problem with "Detect and Respond"

The conventional approach to cybersecurity, "Detect and Respond," inherently relies on the ability to quickly identify and mitigate threats. This method, while essential, has its limitations—primarily the reaction time required once a threat is detected. In the current landscape, where backlogs at the NVD are causing delays, the reliance on quick detection becomes a significant risk. The longer a vulnerability remains unaddressed, the higher the chances that malicious actors can exploit it.

This backlog has underscored the necessity for a shift in cybersecurity strategies towards more proactive measures—namely, Isolation and Containment.

Why Isolation and Containment is the Future

Isolation and Containment as a cybersecurity strategy involve preventing threats from executing in the first place. Instead of waiting to detect and then respond to a threat, this approach ensures that even if a threat penetrates the initial defenses, it is immediately contained and isolated from critical systems. This method significantly reduces the potential impact of a breach.

One standout solution that embodies this proactive approach is AppGuard. With a proven 10-year track record, AppGuard has been safeguarding endpoints with its unique method of blocking threats from executing harmful actions. Unlike traditional solutions that rely heavily on the rapid detection of threats, AppGuard’s technology ensures that malicious activities are stopped before they can cause any damage.

AppGuard: A Proven Endpoint Protection Solution

AppGuard’s technology works by maintaining a constant state of containment around all applications. It prevents untrusted processes from initiating harmful actions without disrupting the performance of legitimate applications. This preemptive containment approach is precisely what businesses need to protect themselves amidst the increasing delays in vulnerability disclosures.

By adopting AppGuard, businesses can ensure that their endpoints are protected from the exploitation of unpatched vulnerabilities. This solution shifts the paradigm from a reactive to a proactive stance, reducing the dependency on rapid detection and response.

The Need for Business Adoption

The current challenges faced by the NVD and the growing complexity of cyber threats necessitate a more robust and proactive approach to cybersecurity. Businesses can no longer afford to rely solely on traditional methods that react to threats post-detection.

Adopting AppGuard’s Isolation and Containment strategy ensures that threats are neutralized before they can exploit any vulnerability, known or unknown. This level of security is crucial in protecting sensitive data, maintaining business continuity, and safeguarding reputations.


The backlog at the National Vulnerability Database is a stark reminder of the need for advanced cybersecurity measures. Moving from a "Detect and Respond" approach to one that emphasizes "Isolation and Containment" is no longer just an option but a necessity. AppGuard provides a proven solution with a decade of success in protecting endpoints from sophisticated threats.

At CHIPS, we are committed to helping businesses stay ahead of cyber threats. Talk to us today about how AppGuard can fortify your cybersecurity posture, ensuring that your business remains secure even in the face of delayed vulnerability disclosures. Let’s move towards a future where threats are contained and neutralized before they can do harm. Contact us now to learn more about how AppGuard can protect your business.

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