Prevent undetectable malware and 0-day exploits with AppGuard!

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, the Akira ransomware is emerging as a notable menace. Scott Small, the Director of Cyber Threat Intelligence at Tidal Cyber, recently shed light on this new ransomware variant in an interview with The Register.

Despite not being as well-known as some of its counterparts like BlackCat or LockBit, Akira's potential to disrupt businesses should not be underestimated.

Understanding the Threat

Akira operates using a mix of common and less conventional techniques. According to Small, while it exploits well-known vulnerabilities, its use of FTP for file exfiltration is particularly noteworthy. This approach, although not widespread among ransomware groups, highlights Akira's adaptability and sophistication.

One of the critical points Small emphasizes is that Akira doesn't just target large organizations. Even small and mid-sized businesses are at risk, as attackers may exploit weaker defenses in these entities to gain access to more significant targets.

The Limitations of "Detect and Respond"

Traditional cybersecurity strategies have primarily focused on detecting and responding to threats. While essential, these measures alone are often insufficient against advanced threats like Akira. The time taken to detect a breach and respond can be critical, often resulting in significant damage before containment.

The Case for "Isolation and Containment"

To effectively combat sophisticated ransomware like Akira, a shift from mere detection to isolation and containment is necessary. This is where AppGuard excels. With a decade-long track record, AppGuard provides a robust endpoint protection solution that prevents malware from executing its malicious tasks, regardless of whether the threat is known or unknown.

Why Choose AppGuard?

AppGuard's unique approach involves isolating applications from critical system resources, thereby containing potential threats and preventing them from causing harm. This proactive defense mechanism ensures that even if malware penetrates your network, it cannot execute its intended actions.

Businesses must recognize that relying solely on detection can leave them vulnerable. With AppGuard, you gain a proven solution that goes beyond detection, offering a layered defense that isolates and contains threats effectively.


The rise of Akira ransomware underscores the need for businesses to enhance their cybersecurity posture. Don't wait for an attack to expose vulnerabilities in your defenses. Transition from a reactive to a proactive approach by adopting AppGuard, and safeguard your business with a solution that has stood the test of time.

For business owners looking to fortify their defenses against threats like Akira, it's time to talk with us at CHIPS about how AppGuard can prevent such incidents. Move from "Detect and Respond" to "Isolation and Containment" and secure your business against evolving ransomware threats. Contact us today to learn more about implementing AppGuard for unparalleled endpoint protection.

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